Thursday 19 April 2018

Are we scientifically literate?

Science is the concerted human effort to understand, or to understand better, the history of the natural world and how the natural world works with observable physical evidence as the basis of that understanding. Science refers to a system of acquiring knowledge.
          A literate person mostly can read and write because to be able use and understand some existing models. Also understand the limitations of science or build a mathematic theory.
          Most of us are science illiteracy because of rarely read a book and it can give us less of knowledgeable about science while science actually can help us in take care of our health, in terms of food and the importance of sleep care.
          Scientific literacy is vital because science is a part of so many aspects of our lives.  Climate change, space exploration, the advancement of computers, its none of these would be possible without advances in science and knowing more about basic scientific principles makes you better able to understand the world around us and make better choices in our everyday life.
          Most of us will have to help a family member with health issues at some point in our lives, if not our own health. Understanding basic biological principles such as how cells multiply and about genetics allows us to better understand the treatments for diseases like cancer or conditions like autism.
          Understanding the fundamentals of chemistry can play a role in medications, and when we are putting different medicines into our body, we definitely want to know what effect the medicine are going to have.
          The way to increase scientific literate is education. Education is one way. Instead of having a system that mainly rewards fact memorization, students who has the capacity to use those facts to solve problems and develop critical thinking skills should be rewarded.
          The actual goal of public science education is to identify and prepare students who down the line, can successfully compete for jobs that require science and technology skills, and who at the more advanced levels, can either contribute to the economic goals of the science and technology industry or within academic and can produce original research that is perceived as making a relevant contribution within a scientific field.
          In addition, in school can do some pop quiz and students have to involve. Also, for those students who are get highest score, will get present from school or certificate for appreciate what students have done for their performance.
Science is uses observation and experimentation to describe and explain natural phenomena. Science is useful to us and the knowledge generated by science is powerful and reliable. It can be used to develop new technologies, treat diseases, and deal with many other sorts of problems.
Scientific literacy implies that a person can identify scientific issues and local decisions and express positions that are scientifically and technologically informed. It means that a person has the ability to describe, explain, and predict natural phenomena because of they understand science.
Science is important for society even if society does not realise it. But don't let us fall into the old position. Scientists fully convinced of the relevance of their work and their helping to society but in the eye of society where their scientific work seems to be irrelevant.
Few people would support that Science has brought many advances to society. Moreover, modern life could not be imagined without Science. In every activity, in every field, science is everything. Technology is driven by science, both Science and Technology can changed a lot of people perspective.
We are surrounded by science, so understanding science means understanding the world around you. However, with knowledge of science, we able to analyze an important part, which is can help a person think about problems in their lives in a more effective and systematic way.

Science teaches us how to think about problems in a systematic way, from identifying the underlying issues behind a problem to teaching us how to logically think of solutions. Also, science we can relate with everything such as like electronic. Science not only about human body, medicines and cells but can use for other things.


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