Friday 11 May 2018

Defamation is not a cause of the collapse of the BN

KUALA LUMPUR: UMNO and Barisan Nasional (BN) have to accept the fact that they fall to Pakatan Harapan (PH) in the 14th General Election (GE-14) not due to defamation.
UMNO veteran, Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar, said that the BN's defeat factor in GE-14 was due to the aspirations of the people to make a change, underestimating the influence of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the denial of syndrome and failed to counter the perception of the perception.
The 20-year-old former Kota Tinggi UMNO division head said that BN was also seen as "happy" during the campaign and like trying to deny the wave of change the people wanted and the rise of PH's influence under Dr Mahathir's leadership.
"What I mean is that BN can not blame anyone, this is the time to wonder why it's losing. It's not an economic factor or defamation that results in this decision.
"They (the people) want to change. I have written about this wave of change and it is felt but I do not understand when BN is happy and unknowingly change," he told NSTP today.
Yesterday, former UMNO president, Datuk Seri Najib Razak claimed that the defeat of the BN in GE-14 was due to the opposition party's defamation.
The Pekan MP claimed that the PH campaign which at that time was an overly personal attack and slanderous and hatred caused the BN to fall after 61 years into government.
Syed Hamid, who is also the former Chairman of the Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD), said other factors contributing to the defeat of BN was the lack of trust between the people and the wider government after much of the government tried to hide.
At the same time, UMNO underestimates Dr Mahathir's ability at such age, it is still able to inspire young people to make a decisive victory in the elections.
"UMNO is seen as a personal issue and Dr Mahathir's curse, which is the former Prime Minister for 22 years, if he did nothing during that time, people did not accept it, many young people living in his time," he said.
Commenting further, Syed Hamid said UMNO and BN should now be positive and accept the GE-14 results and should be prepared to be constructive opposition.
"Now that BN has been destroyed, Najib has resigned, and BN will be an opposition and must know the role of the opposition," he said.


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