Thursday 3 May 2018

New media has been used for socialising and identify the application of the new medium

New media technology has been used in various aspects of our life as individual users, especially for communication and collaboration purposes. We use the new media for entertainment and leisure too. Besides that, this media has also been used in other industries and the education field. All media was new media at some point such as newspaper, magazines, radio, television and internet. However, we have a lot of choices when it comes to media tools, which is blogs, SMS, video, widget and photo sharing.

 New media also catch all term for all forms of electronic communication that have appeared or will appear since the original mainly text and static picture forms of online communication. In this context these new web based services were originally used by corporations to interact with existing customers, improve internal communications and reach out to new markets and audiences. However, participatory culture, enabled by recent technological innovations, shifts the communication flows away from a central business to consumer model. The trend is towards flows communication as consumers start to produce content on their own accord using new media applications and services.

The following is a selection of application areas affected by the new media technologies, which is digital media. This is new medium networks persons in real time, irrespective of time and space. The Internet also is faster and more topical than the classic media. Communications platforms such as Facebook enable permanent contacts between persons worldwide. The world has medially become a global village.
The interaction that digital technology offers the individual guarantees a high level of e-Participation. Besides that, the digital media are clearly mainstream, but through their precise controllability they also function as target group advertising media.

In addition, for journalism is blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other materials such as graphics or video and publish information in a diary or journal style. Bloggers control the information that they publish, and moderate comments that viewers add to the blog. Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject.

Moreover, the ability of readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs. Since 2002, blogs have gained increasing notice and coverage for their role in breaking, shaping, and spinning news stories. Blogs have a huge influence in politics, including in Malaysia. Journalists treat blogs very seriously, and they have a great impact on politics. The new media become the alternative source of news and compete with mainstream media.

However, the use of television is consumers start to watch full-length television episodes online. They also spend their leisure hours by surfing the Internet, downloading or listening music, and playing games. What is even more interesting is the trend towards audience-provided entertainment where audience is created. They create videos, blogs, web sites, music, and other kinds of entertainment for others. Entertainment is not solely provided by the media.

Socialising is one of the uses of the new media is to socialise. The user can meet friends or find new friends via social networking. These sites are extremely important for teenagers. According to a recent survey of online teenagers conducted by Pew Internet & American Life Project, 55% of all online young Americans between the ages of 12-17 make use of a social networking site. Also, older female teenagers are more likely to use these sites. They are used to „reinforce pre-existing friendships‰. Young boys use these sites for flirting purposes as well as to make new friends (Lenhart 2007). There are approximately 1,000 Internet dating sites in the United States and the major ones are, eHarmony, and Yahoo! personals.


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