Monday 21 May 2018


Consumers could be doing far more to help combat global food wastage with relatively little effort according to a new study showing that every year, a third of all food produced ends up being binned.

As consumers we have a habit of buying too much food, often more than we can consume within specified use-by dates. This leads to mountains of food being ditched in the bin, adding to waste and impacting on resources such as energy, water, not to mention the impact on global warming.

Around 795 million people go hungry on any given day around the world, yet if we all did more to alleviate food waste we could get closer to dealing with world hunger. In one year a third of all food produced globally is binned, that is 1.3 billion tons in weight, worth more than 1 trillion.

A new study conducted by Save On Energy in America has revealed that the average American wastes enough food in a year. For two weeks yet according to the UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) global hunger could be decrease just 25 percent of food wasted each year.
The majority of food waste in the U.S. comes from homes. Consumers generate a whopping 144 billion worth of discarded food, so taking steps to reduce waste can start at home. However, a common method of recycling organic material, can convert food waste into humus.

This way can be used to nourish growth in gardens. Consumers can also plan meals in advance to only buy necessary groceries and rearrange the fridge so the most perishable items are in front and less than a week.

Recycling all materials is important for the environment and the economy but food waste is often overlooked. Food loss along the production line is also a key contributor to waste but most food wastage tends to occur at the consumer level. Consumers stock up their refrigerators with more food than they can eat because mostly food will be expired and at last they will throw the food. 

As a result, a large portion of uneaten food is thrown out and replaced by more food which may later go uneaten.

At workplace they need to give awareness to people how to reduce food and packaging waste but more could be done to bring in a recognised framework to reduce food waste from homes and businesses.

The main waste food for ending up in the garbage pile are dairy products, fresh fruit and vegetables. In addition, these foods can all be composted so easily, putting nutrients back into the soil. It could also be turned into biogas as a fuel, or used as animal feed. Just small changes can make a huge impact to the level of food waste created.

Friday 18 May 2018

Chinese Tourist were killed in North Korea

Thirty-two Chinese tourists were killed in a serious traffic accident in North Korea, authorities said.

A tweet by the Chinese state broadcaster - which was later deleted - said more than 30 people had been killed when a tour bus fell from a bridge. 

A Chinese foreign ministry spokesman said 32 Chinese tourists and four North Koreans died in the accident.

An earlier statement that the crash occurred Sunday night in North Hwanghae province, south of the capital Pyongyang.

The foreign ministry offered few further details, but  said that embassy personnel in Pyongyang had rushed to the scene and had "launched an emergency mechanism to deal with the case".

State television's main Chinese-language news channel later showed images of a crashed blue bus with its wheels in the air, in footage taken in pouring rain in the dark.

Chinese visitors account for about 80 percent of all foreign tourists to North Korea,says South Korean think-tank, the Korea Maritime Institute.

Many enter North Korea via train through the Chinese border city of Dandong, and there are also flights between the two countries.

North Korean roads are largely poor and potholed, and in many areas they are dirt rather than tarmac.

Friday 11 May 2018

Defamation is not a cause of the collapse of the BN

KUALA LUMPUR: UMNO and Barisan Nasional (BN) have to accept the fact that they fall to Pakatan Harapan (PH) in the 14th General Election (GE-14) not due to defamation.
UMNO veteran, Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar, said that the BN's defeat factor in GE-14 was due to the aspirations of the people to make a change, underestimating the influence of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the denial of syndrome and failed to counter the perception of the perception.
The 20-year-old former Kota Tinggi UMNO division head said that BN was also seen as "happy" during the campaign and like trying to deny the wave of change the people wanted and the rise of PH's influence under Dr Mahathir's leadership.
"What I mean is that BN can not blame anyone, this is the time to wonder why it's losing. It's not an economic factor or defamation that results in this decision.
"They (the people) want to change. I have written about this wave of change and it is felt but I do not understand when BN is happy and unknowingly change," he told NSTP today.
Yesterday, former UMNO president, Datuk Seri Najib Razak claimed that the defeat of the BN in GE-14 was due to the opposition party's defamation.
The Pekan MP claimed that the PH campaign which at that time was an overly personal attack and slanderous and hatred caused the BN to fall after 61 years into government.
Syed Hamid, who is also the former Chairman of the Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD), said other factors contributing to the defeat of BN was the lack of trust between the people and the wider government after much of the government tried to hide.
At the same time, UMNO underestimates Dr Mahathir's ability at such age, it is still able to inspire young people to make a decisive victory in the elections.
"UMNO is seen as a personal issue and Dr Mahathir's curse, which is the former Prime Minister for 22 years, if he did nothing during that time, people did not accept it, many young people living in his time," he said.
Commenting further, Syed Hamid said UMNO and BN should now be positive and accept the GE-14 results and should be prepared to be constructive opposition.
"Now that BN has been destroyed, Najib has resigned, and BN will be an opposition and must know the role of the opposition," he said.

Wednesday 9 May 2018

STEM Initiative in Selangor

Shah Alam: one of the most significant developments of 21st century education is the emphasis on imparting unified, integrated and meaningful knowledge, or a set of isolated facts presented as a holistic knowledge.

New inter-disciplinary researches on life sciences, physical sciences and even engineering, have caused the world to progress rapidly. Such correlation will require great commitment not only in approaching any form of research, but also in exploring and imparting the knowledge so as to create a sustainable progress also science, in that sense, has the greatest significance.

This progress relates greatly to the ability of science, and namely STEM, to build skills, and enhance Selangor’s human capital workforce.

STEM education can be defined as the preparation of students in competencies and skills in the four disciplines which is science, technology, engineering, and math. A successful STEM education provides students with science, math, and engineering/technology in sequences that build upon each other and can be used with real-world applications.

In addition, they have so much to do to raise the interest and make sure that future generations are invested in STEM and these were locals with the greatest regard for knowledge on science and technology and they were able to invent and innovate products of such high quality.

Furthermore, that is also why we are pleased to have Unisel as a partner in this regard, as with the assistance of the university’s International Islamic Academy of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, we have developed the STEM Society and Promotion Project (SSPP) to promote awareness and understanding of STEM to student from pre-school level to university.

Approaching the 21st century, it is necessary that the people are equipped with skills to succeed as effective citizens, workers, leaders and this skills set includes information and communication, thinking and problem-solving, interpersonal and self-direction, global awareness, financial, economic and business literacy, and developing entrepreneurial skills to enhance workplace productivity and career options, and civic literacy.

According to Vision for STEM Selangor is to be a model for STEM education research innovation and entrepreneurship in Malaysia that is intertwined with all the aforementioned skills, creating a wholesome workforce. We believe we can accelerate education innovation and move STEM education in this region to rise to the new work demands of the 21st century.

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Samsung Electronic released The Star Wars Limited Edition POWERbotTM robot vacuum cleaner

Kuala Lumpur: Samsung Electronics released the Star Wars Limited Edition POWERbotTM robot vacuum cleaner, the earlier this month to the US market and in Malaysia on this November.

The limited edition of the powerful cleaning technology and features of the Original VR7000

          “We are very pleased to be part of the excitement leading up to the release of the Last Jedi and to be launching our limited edition POWERbot™ in partnership with Star Wars fans,” said Jimmy Tan, Head of Consumer Electronics, Samsung Malaysia Electronics.

He also said, from its industry-leading suction power, slim design, and smart features, to the wonderful character-themed voice feedback and sound effects, we are confident the Star Wars limited edition of the VR7000 will be a big hit.

          To create this sci-fi cleaning appliance, collaboration between Samsung and Star Wars fans from the product planning, design and production stages, to marketing and distribution to ensure authenticity.

          However, the new Star Wars Limited Edition shares the same innovative technology as Samsung’s original robot vacuum POWERbotTM VR7000 but it also packs of special features and unique designs is attended to fans in anticipation of the December release of "Star Wars: The Last Jedi," the final film in the Disney and Lucas Films saga.

          The Darth Vader and a Stormtrooper edition available two models that was crafted from premium materials to closely resemble Sith Lord Darth Vader’s all-black mask and a Stormtrooper version is a near-perfect replica of the white helmets worn by the ground force of the Galactic Empire.

          Both models comes with WiFi connectivity and its own remote control that is can controlling the devices is easier than before, use from a mobile device anywhere with connectivity.

Besides that, with just a touch, you can start or stop your device, check the cleaning history or schedule cleaning times to ensure that your house is clean.
It same like resemble their character in film because of this robot also have sound effects from Star Wars movies.

The Darth Vader and a Stormtrooper model features has sound effect, and quotes like “You are powerful” including commands such as “Let’s go!” and “Stop that!” And for those who need a little extra motivation to get out of bed in the morning, you can set your robot vacuum cleaner to wake you up.

          Furthermore, these models have The Automatic Charge function automatically moves a unit that is low on power back to its station and while returning to base to charge batteries.

          Additionally, with the FullView SensorTM 2.0, your POWERbotTM VR7000 can accurately scan and avoid the smallest of obstacles corners are no longer an issue.

          The vacuums have a suction power capacity of 10 watts, using Visionary MappingTM Plus to memorise the room Layout and find the fastest cleaning routes around the user’s home.

          This POWERbotTM also built into the clever robot vacuum is the Edge Clean Master, which provides a more efficient way to clean along walls meaning would not give difficult to users.

Moreover, an Auto Shutter automatically activates and drops down to create a barrier that allows for greater dust suction near edges and when the POWERbotTM transitions from hard floors onto carpets, the robot unit's Intelligent Power Control automatically increases it is suction power on your carpet.

Official purchase starts from 16 November 2017 onwards at Harvey Norman stores only, retailing at the price of RM2999 inclusive of GST while stocks last. 

Pre-order will commence 6th to 8th November 2017 at Malaysia online shopping sites ( and upon successful pre-order collection, customers will receive a complimentary Star Wars R2-D2 collectible worth RM479.90.

In addition, customers who purchase through the MySamsung app will receive an exclusive gift during the pre-order period. To know about the pre-order and official purchase, please contact Samsung’s 24 hour Careline at 1-800-88-9999.

Friday 4 May 2018

Cruz is willing to sacrifice for Selangor

KUALA LUMPUR: Imports from Spain, Alfonso de la Cruz have no problem sacrificing his position to play in central defense in a bid to streamline the Selangor fortress to face PKNP FC in the Super League action at Batu Kawan Stadium on Wednesday.   
He who was initially in midfield when joining the Red Giants squad this season was entrusted by coach Nazliazmi Mohamad Nasir to partner with Willian Pachecho in defense in recent games.
According to Cruz, despite being forced to change the position, he admitted there was no problem adapting to the troops.   
"The coach wants me to play in midfield defense, for me it's not a problem because I have to do whatever is best for the team.
"It is difficult to meet PKNP who has a good striker, especially Pachecho can not play because of the suspension, but I still believe in the ability of this team to win," he said.
Nazliazmi's decision to change the position of Cruz is also said to be a move to boost the player's contribution in the team after being seen less impressive in the center.
He became a victim of criticism of his own supporters who wanted the management to look for substitute players during the second transfer window this month.
"So far I have no problems with the management, they still trust me, this team of Selangor, is definitely a high expectation, so criticism in the football is normal for me to work harder," said Cruz.

Thursday 3 May 2018

New media has been used for socialising and identify the application of the new medium

New media technology has been used in various aspects of our life as individual users, especially for communication and collaboration purposes. We use the new media for entertainment and leisure too. Besides that, this media has also been used in other industries and the education field. All media was new media at some point such as newspaper, magazines, radio, television and internet. However, we have a lot of choices when it comes to media tools, which is blogs, SMS, video, widget and photo sharing.

 New media also catch all term for all forms of electronic communication that have appeared or will appear since the original mainly text and static picture forms of online communication. In this context these new web based services were originally used by corporations to interact with existing customers, improve internal communications and reach out to new markets and audiences. However, participatory culture, enabled by recent technological innovations, shifts the communication flows away from a central business to consumer model. The trend is towards flows communication as consumers start to produce content on their own accord using new media applications and services.

The following is a selection of application areas affected by the new media technologies, which is digital media. This is new medium networks persons in real time, irrespective of time and space. The Internet also is faster and more topical than the classic media. Communications platforms such as Facebook enable permanent contacts between persons worldwide. The world has medially become a global village.
The interaction that digital technology offers the individual guarantees a high level of e-Participation. Besides that, the digital media are clearly mainstream, but through their precise controllability they also function as target group advertising media.

In addition, for journalism is blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other materials such as graphics or video and publish information in a diary or journal style. Bloggers control the information that they publish, and moderate comments that viewers add to the blog. Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject.

Moreover, the ability of readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs. Since 2002, blogs have gained increasing notice and coverage for their role in breaking, shaping, and spinning news stories. Blogs have a huge influence in politics, including in Malaysia. Journalists treat blogs very seriously, and they have a great impact on politics. The new media become the alternative source of news and compete with mainstream media.

However, the use of television is consumers start to watch full-length television episodes online. They also spend their leisure hours by surfing the Internet, downloading or listening music, and playing games. What is even more interesting is the trend towards audience-provided entertainment where audience is created. They create videos, blogs, web sites, music, and other kinds of entertainment for others. Entertainment is not solely provided by the media.

Socialising is one of the uses of the new media is to socialise. The user can meet friends or find new friends via social networking. These sites are extremely important for teenagers. According to a recent survey of online teenagers conducted by Pew Internet & American Life Project, 55% of all online young Americans between the ages of 12-17 make use of a social networking site. Also, older female teenagers are more likely to use these sites. They are used to „reinforce pre-existing friendships‰. Young boys use these sites for flirting purposes as well as to make new friends (Lenhart 2007). There are approximately 1,000 Internet dating sites in the United States and the major ones are, eHarmony, and Yahoo! personals.

Tuesday 1 May 2018

Teenager was imprisoned for 9 years

KUALA LUMPUR: A teenager was sentenced to nine years' jail by the High Court here for a series of charges involving Daesh terrorist acts relating to the attack on The Better Festival 2017 in the capital, October last year.
Judge Datuk Mohd Sofian Abd Razak sentenced Mohamad Hafizi Mat Jusoh, 20, after the accused pleaded guilty as soon as the charges were read to him.
Before passing sentence, Mohd Sofian advised the accused to study hard and create something proud of the nation in view of his young age.
"You have a good idea but it can bring harm to the community. If you are not arrested, you will probably use this material in public places," he said, taking into account the social report of the accused by the Social Welfare Department.
According to the first charge, Mohammed Hafizi was charged with providing training through WhatsApp's "The Rise of Jundullah" group in making explosives to people who are ready to engage in terrorist acts in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, between 9.07 pm and 10.28 pm on September 23 2017.
For the offense, the accused is charged under subsection 130F (a) of the Penal Code which carries a maximum jail term of 30 years and a fine.
The accused was charged with attending a training camp in a remote area near the nursery site of Gong Kulim, Pasir Puteh, Kelantan in preparation for a terrorist act between 3.30pm and 4pm on 10 October 2017 and charged under paragraph 130FB (1 ) (a) of the Penal Code which carries a maximum jail term of 10 years or a fine.
Under the third charge, the youngest of nine siblings were alleged to have 57 items linked to the terrorist group Daesh and two items related to Al-Qaeda terrorist group in a cellphone.
The offense was committed at the K & K Restaurant, Lot 2689, Jalan Tok Janggut, Kampung Kelubi, Pasir Puteh, Kelantan at 4.30pm on October 10, 2017 and charged under paragraph 130JB (1) (a) of the Penal Code which imposes maximum imprisonment of seven years or fine and may be forfeited any such item.
Meanwhile, for the fourth charge, the accused was charged with displaying 13 videos and five pictures related to the terrorist group Daesh, Al-Qaeda and Jemaah Ansharut Tauhid in his Instagram account on behalf of "al_akh_fillah" in a mobile phone.
He was alleged to have committed the offense at the same restaurant at the same time and date and was charged under paragraph 130JB (1) (b) of the Penal Code which provides for maximum imprisonment of seven years or a fine and may be forfeited by any of the items.
The court ordered Mohammed Hafizi to be sentenced to nine years' jail for the first charge, five years for the second charge and three years respectively for the third and fourth charges. However, the sentences were ordered simultaneously from the date of arrest on October 10, 2017.
Earlier, lawyer Ariff Azami Hussein, representing the accused applied for a court to give her client a light sentence, taking into account the age of the young accused and having a good background and bright future if given the opportunity.
"The accused also did not neglect the lesson following her taking the STPM examination in Pengkalan Chepa Prison when she was remanded.
"In addition, the accused is also not an esoteric and dangerous but only a young man who is eager to engage in jihad in upholding religion," he said.
Deputy Public Prosecutor Muhammad Fadzlan Mohd Noor, however, pleaded for a court to give a fine in respect of the seriousness of the accused's actions which had made careful planning to carry out a terrorist act.

The Marriage of Mah Meri Tribe

Pulau Carey, Selangor: Most Indigenous people married at a young age, for men the age of 18 is the most suitable age for marriage and women are also at the age of 16 years and shall not be more than the age of the men and marriage is done by parent brides, ranging from ceremonial merisik until someone has a spouse legally.

There are also among the Indigenous people has been engaged since childhood, and usually the bride and groom having a brother like a cousin or second cousin or have the same tribe, also do not be a mistake if the groom is married to a woman from another tribe.

The ceremony charity Mah Meri also merisik, engagement and wedding such as the Malay community, not much difference between the wedding ceremony with indigenous tribes Mah Meri Malay community as it begins with a custom spy, sent a sign, proposed marriage and ending with the wedding.

The difference only maintain their customs and traditions dispel evil spirits in its own way, but held seances to tell fathers that their grandchildren will hold their wedding ceremony and the event was considered important to ensure that the wedding ceremony was safe, blessed and peaceful happiness to children and grandchildren.

“A day before the ceremony, the male party would come and transit in the neighbour’s house located near the brides’ house. This is the time when various ceremonies have to be carried out, namely the custom of menepung tawar (spring the rose water on the couples’ palms) to ward off evil spirits, teeth sharpening, surrendering tools to cast away bad luck, hanging the mosquito nett and henna ceremony,” said Alin one of the student Universiti Selangor.

She said, Tok batin will bring the groom to a council a proposal such as gold rings, makeup, waist bowl and utilities such as mortar and other stone. Groom and bride undergo dental hone culture, also sharpening the teeth is considered an important custom made. They also use a black cloth as a marker placed on the teeth spaced teeth that need to be sharpened and the ring will be used to hone uneven teeth and then smoked. It aims to make the bride will always shine and prevent tetanus during the wedding ceremony.

Among the unique wedding indigenous people have once the agreement and consensus in the council a proposal obtained, ritual eating betel and areca nut by Tok batin and second deputy two sides done as a sign of an end to the event, for Hantaran charged is RM44.40 for brides and grooms who are still virgins and for the widow is RM25.20.

“When the wedding took place, some customs held in conjunction with the function of lifting the bride, that is martial arts bout, around the mound, washing the feet, in rice or betel gomba designer and flower bath, however at the ceremony, the wedding ceremony began with the traditional Tok batin bring the groom turned circulating a group of girls with a mosquito net-covered bride and smoked with incense and the ceremony was to banish the demons and prevent bad things,” said Alin.
In addition, round seven times and on the last lap, the groom must get the bride and exchanging flowers and the selection was based on intuition without any pressure because the Mah Meri believe there is no compulsion in marriage.

Furthermore, the wedding ceremony ceremonial toss was as symbolic of the freedom bride determining the direction of life in the marriage and also eat civilized, observers will ensure the bride and groom to eat and ended up at the same time so that they live a happy and lasting forever because If one of the spouses eat advance between them, believed that would invite disasters in the future.

Hence, any other kind of ethnic wedding, they are also making preparations to provide the dais and they will decorate dais with woven palm leaves put a variety of patterns and bright coloured flowers in every corner of the stage, while a touch of palm leaves used by the indigenous people tribe Mah Meri is between uniqueness and difference are displayed with other indigenous tribes in the country.

Monday 30 April 2018

Grazing cases happened in front of owner house

PUCHONG: grazing incident happened in front of her own house in a residential park in the afternoon.
Victims Ina, 34, who was driving alone when he came home from Putrajaya to Puchong around in at 1.00 pm.

"As soon as I parked the car at home when, suddenly, a motorcycle pulled up beside the passenger door, trying to break into my car mirror and then that time I placed the bag on the passenger seat."

Successfully broken the window of the car and pull of an incident occurred between her and snatching it in a while there until have the car and honked, maybe because it surprised two men on a motorcycle immediately fled the scene without being able to take the bag.

Ina has taken action to report the incident to the police at the nearest police station and the case is under investigation.

Friday 27 April 2018

The Global Gender Gap Report

The Global Gender Gap Index was first introduced by the World Economic Forum in 2006 as a framework for capturing the magnitude of gender-based disparities and tracking their progress over time. The Index benchmarks national gender gaps on economic, education, health and political criteria, and provides country rankings that allow for effective comparisons across regions and income groups. The rankings are designed to create global awareness of the challenges posed by gender gaps and the opportunities created by reducing them. The methodology and quantitative analysis behind the rankings are intended to serve as a basis for designing effective measures for reducing gender gaps.

            In addition, on average in the Report covered the 144 countries have closed 96% of the gap in health outcomes between women and men, unchanged since last year, and more than 95% of the gap in educational attainment, a slight decrease compared to last year.

However, the gaps between women and men on economic participation and political empowerment remain wide: only 58% of the economic participation gap has been closed—a second consecutive year of reversed progress and the lowest value measured by the Index since 2008—and about 23% of the political gap, unchanged since last year against a long-term trend of slow but steady improvement.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) published its annual report on the global gender gap across a range of different dimensions. The purpose of this global gender gap report is for countries to assess whether they are making progress towards reducing the gender gap in health and survival, economic opportunities, education and political empowerment.

India for the first time has nearly closed its tertiary education gender gap and succeeds in fully closing its primary and secondary education enrolment gender gaps for the second year running. In addition, it continues to rank fourth-lowest in the world on Health and Survival, remaining the world’s least-improved country on this subindex over the past decade.

For nine continuous years, Iceland is on the top, for being the country that most equitably distributes resources between men and women. India ranks at 108 overall while in South Asia, India ranks 3rd, well behind Bangladesh, which despite being a poorer country, has a rank of 47 and also behind Maldives (106).

In the table 3, India’s scores on specific indicators within each dimension. Across all indicators, the country scores way below the average scores in the report. For some indicators like sex ratio at birth, life expectancy, labour force participation and estimated earned income, the results are particularly poor.

India’s ranking on health and survival is the worst and we are in the bottom 3 at 141 because of our continued skewed sex ratio as well as poor indicators of maternal health including ante-natal care. There are 33 countries in the list which have reached parity for health and survival of which several of them are from Latin American countries.

For this particular index, only China and Azerbaijan do worse than us, the former because of decades of sex-selective abortions, which were worsened due to China’s one-child policy and the latter because of large gaps in life expectancy between men and women.

For economic opportunity, it rank at 139. There are just four countries which is Iran, Pakistan, Yemen and Syria which fare worse. As the table indicates, 6.5 times, more young women are not in education or employment when compared to young men.

The existence of non-discriminatory laws, women constitute just 11% of the boards of publicly traded companies and form under 15% of the staff in Research and Development roles. Moreover, laws alone are inadequate in instituting reforms unless they are followed by concerted efforts on the parts of organizations to hire more women all across the board and especially in top leadership positions.

This is the fact that 65.6% of the work done by women in India is unpaid work in contrast to just 11.7% for men. Also, less than 43% of women have an account in a financial institution, almost 20% less than that of men. This figure for women is also likely to be much lower in the rural areas where financial inclusion for women in formal institutions is a serious problem.

For educational attainment, it fare slightly better at 112, having closed the gap in enrolment in primary and secondary education across most states in India. Further, as a country, India is slowly closing the gap in tertiary (higher) education.

While in many countries we see a gender difference in science graduation rates, this is not the case in India because15% of both men and women graduate with degrees in the Natural Sciences, perhaps the only sliver of good news in this report.

In conclusion, women are over-represented in the Social Sciences, Journalism and Education and underrepresented in Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction subjects. According to the WEF Global Gender Gap Report 2017, on an average 66% of women’s work in India is unpaid, compared to 12% of men’s. In case of China, 44% of women’s work is unpaid, while for men the figure stood at 19%.

Thursday 26 April 2018

Fake News Act will be repealed

KUALA LUMPUR: The Fake News Act will be repealed, which was gazetted in April, will be abolished, said Communications and Multimedia Minister Gobind Singh Deo.
He said the proposal to abolish the act would be brought to the Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, to enable the act to be abolished immediately.
"I have a list that we have to look into and I will have a press conference tomorrow to inform us specifically." As stated in the Pakatan Harapan manifesto, we will abolish this act.
"We will set a time frame, the first 100 days we have to fulfill but how much time will I need to discuss with my officer tomorrow, and I will do it and start working exactly 8.30am tomorrow," he said.
He said this when met after his oath of office and loyalty and secret oath of secrecy with 12 other Cabinet Ministers in the presence of Yang di-Pertuan Agong Sultan Muhammad V, at Istana Negara, today.
As a new minister in the ministry, Gobind, 45, said media freedom was his main agenda and he was committed in that regard.
However, he said the matter should be made based on existing laws.
"Freedom of the media is my priority. Media makes news and publishing companies tied to existing laws, so we need to look in that sense.
"We have to find ways to increase the freedom of the press in the country. I will create a group of legislators so they can see the impact of the law, where there are weaknesses and we will try to improve," he said.
Among other things to be reviewed are several laws relating to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), involving complaints and investigations into several reported cases.
Additionally, the Puchong MP said he would also give serious attention to the overall aspect of news reporting and to find ways to local television system to compete with international media channels.
He said local media should learn from the international media to be more knowledgeable in delivering news.
Gobind, who is also the Deputy Chairman of DAP, holds a Bachelor of Law from the University of Warwick Britain and Law Department from Lincoln's Inn.
He was admitted to the Malaysian Bar in 1996 and continued his father's legacy, former DAP veteran leader, late Karpal Singh.
Gobind's involvement in politics began 10 years ago as a Member of the DAP Central Executive Committee to date and has been the deputy chairman of the Selangor DAP Committee from 2015 until last year.

Wednesday 25 April 2018

Water pollution (plastic bag recycle)

Water pollution is caused by deliberate or accidental release of toxic chemicals substances, waste of plastic bag, pollutants and harmful substances into water bodies such as rivers, lakes and sea.
Water pollution may also be caused by specific points or contributing factors such as large factories, oil refineries, construction sites, chemical waste management facilities, dump sites and other large scale operations that store produce large amounts of chemical or hazardous waste. It also cause of waste of plastic bags that human always throw everywhere. In addition, we need to recycle plastic bag in every place in our country to save our earth.
Plastic bags have some unique problems. Although the environmental costs they impose on society, the cost of plastic bags for retailers is relatively low. Made from ethylene, a by product of petroleum or natural gas, plastic bags are so cheap and flimsy that cashiers use it freely, using so many plastic bags to customers and it can be a source of wastage.
Even when disposed of properly, plastic bags are so lightweight and aerodynamic, they are easily taken and carried by the wind. It can escape from bins, recycling bins, garbage trucks, and landfills, and end up have a rubbish at the surrounding.
A Google search on “animals eat plastic bags” brings up hundreds of heart breaking stories and images from around the world. So many foraging cows in India have died from ingesting plastic bag litter that many of the states in that country have banned the distribution of plastic bags. In the United Arab Emirates, a veterinarian has documented images of camels, sheep, goats, and endangered desert animals dead because eating plastic bags.

Plastic recycling is the process of recovering scrap or waste plastic and reprocessing the material into useful products. Since plastic is non-biodegradable, recycling is a part of global efforts to reduce plastic in the waste stream, especially the approximately eight million metric tonnes of waste plastic that enter the Earth's ocean every year. This helps to reduce the high rates of plastic pollution.
Plastic recycling includes taking any type of plastic sorting it into different polymers and then chipping it and then melting it down into pellets after this stage it can then be used to make items of any kind such as plastic chairs and tables. Soft Plastics are also recycled such as polyethylene film and bags. This closed-loop operation has taken place since the 1970s and has made the production of some plastic products among the most efficient operations today.
Compared with lucrative recycling of metal, and similar to the low value of glass, plastic polymers recycling is often more challenging because of low density and low value. There are also numerous technical hurdles to overcome when recycling plastic.
Recycling is important in today’s world if we want to leave this planet for our future generations. It is good for the environment, since we are making new products from the old products which are of no use to us. Recycling begins at home. If you are not throwing away any of your old product and instead utilizing it for something new then you are actually recycling.
When you think of recycling you should really think about the whole idea which is reduce, reuse and recycle. We have been careless up to this point with the way we have treated the Earth and it’s time to change, not just the way we do things but the way we think. We should recycle because to make environment clean, conservation of materials, to save energy and reduce garbage.
Recycling is good for the environment, in the sense, we are using old and waste products which are of no use and then converting them back to same new products. Since we are saving resources and are sending less trash to the landfills, it helps in reducing air and water pollution.
When you think of recycling you should really think about the whole idea; reduce, reuse and recycle. Think about it if you have to get it, get something that can be used again and if you get something that needs to be recycled by the professionals, put it in the recycle bin.
Conservation is an important part of recycling issue. In addition, when you produce less garbage it helps in reducing the landfills and also helps in giving the land back to the nature.
Recycling serve to two purpose that is first, it avoid landfills and helps in reducing air and water pollution and secondly, valuable material like aluminium cans and plastic and glass are reused in other forms and not wasted.
However, be mindful of what you do, pay attention to the items you buy and always check yourself to see if you really need use the plastic bags. Without we realize that we all can do our part and we will make a huge difference.
Throw away all the garbage in your house that is of no use to you or you think you can’t utilize it in some other way. If you don’t have these boxes, you can easily purchase a suitable container for each recyclable product, for example paper, plastic, and glass and then take these go to near your local recycling center.

What you can recycle depends on your area, not all materials may be recyclable. Check with your local recycle center to find out what you can and cannot recycle. Others thing that we can save our planet are separate the recyclable materials from garbage such as paper, plastic, aluminium cans, steel cans and glassware. All containers of coloured or clear glass including bottles, food containers, bottles of vitamins, cosmetics and similar containers can be recycled. Glassware should be put into the green recycling bins.
Then, all kinds of goods made from aluminium cans as beverage can recycling must be put in the red bins.
Next, all types of paper, whether coloured or colourless such as old newspapers, old magazines, books, catalogues, brochures, calendars, cards, envelopes and boxes are recyclable. All types of paper must be put in the blue bins.
Finally, all plastic coloured or colourless like shopping bags, supermarket bags, beverage bottles, mineral water bottles, food containers, soap containers, vitamins and similar containers can be recycled. Plastic-based items should be put into the recycling bins in yellow.

Try to avoid the use of plastic bag and plastic paper as much as possible. However it just not only pollute the environment but also helps in filling landfills. Also, when you shop try to look out for the products that have least packaging or bring the bag itself from home to the supermarket. It also can help to reduce the use of plastic bag.